Regular Groups at Washingborough Methodist


Prayer Group

 Our monthly prayer group meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:15am in the Wesley Room.  The next meeting is on Wednesday 7th August.

'Welcome Space' Coffee Morning

Our 'Welcome Space' coffee mornings are held on the first and third Saturdays of every month. The next meeting is Saturday 20th July , 10am-12pm. Come along for a chat, to get warm, to get a coffee or tea or some refreshment. There is no charge. 

'Tuesday's Together' Coffee Morning

The next Church's 'Tuesday's Together' Coffee Shops(held jointly with St John's Church, Washingborough) will be held on Tuesday 23rd July, 10am-12pm.

Blokes Who Sing

Blokes Who Sing will not be meeting through July and August. 

Bible Study

Our bible study group meets on Monday afternoons at 2pm in the Wesley Room. The next meeting is Monday 22nd July.

Wednesday Fellowship Group

This group meets alternative Wednesday evenings at 7;30pm. The next meeting is on 24th July.  Locations varies, please contact a steward for more details if you are interested.